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X.500 Client Configuration File

There can be a lot of options that go into performing a single X.500 directory operation through the command-line interface. For this reason, Wildboar Software has defined a file for persisting directory configuration.


Unless its location is changed via a command-line parameter, this file should be located in the user's home directory, in a folder called .config, and in a file called directory.yaml or directory.yml or directory.json. This is true whether the user is on Windows, Mac OS, Linux, or some other operating system that has a conception of a home directory. Where file systems are case-sensitive, the file names should be lowercased, including the extensions.

File Serialization

The X.500 configuration file should be serialized as YAML if its file name ends with the extensions .yaml or yml, and it should be serialized as JSON if its file name ends with the extension .json. Unless stated otherwise, the ordering of elements within arrays MUST be preserved. The ordering of elements within objects SHOULD be preserved.


The X.500 configuration file specification is exclusively managed by Wildboar Software. No other organizations shall claim to have defined a new version of the X.500 configuration file format defined here, unless it is clear that Wildboar Software has abandoned the specification and will never define a future version.

Versioning follows Semantic Versioning, and the first, only, and current version as of this time of writing is 1.0.0. This may be the only version ever defined if it works perfectly for everybody's use cases.


File Paths

File paths should use forward slashes as the file path delimiter, and clients on systems that do not use forward slashes (such as Windows) should still translate these delimiters to the system-specific delimiters for use.

Distinguished Names

Distinguished names shall be encoded as a string via the procedures in IETF RFC 4514, but reversed so that the relative distinguished name of the object immediately subordinate to the root appears first.


In the X.500 specifications, distinguished names appear in order of decreasing proximity to the root DSE. In LDAP distinguished names, this is reversed. Even though the configuration file uses the procedures for "stringifying" a distinguished name for LDAP, no such reversal should take place. In other words, c=US,st=FL,l=Tampa would be correct and l=Tampa,st=FL,c=US would be incorrect.

Unique Naming

Clients that edit the X.500 configuration file MUST ensure that all entries in .preference-profiles, .dsas, .credentials, and .contexts have name fields that are unique (case-sensitive) for those objects within those arrays.

Data Structure

The format of the configuration file is inspired by the configuration file used by the Kubernetes command-line interface, kubectl. If you have ever used this file before, you should see some similarities. Let's start with the example:

apiVersion: v1.0.0
kind: X500ClientConfig
name: main
client: x500-cli
author: Jonathan M. Wilbur
current-context: localdev
- name: main
logLevel: debug
sizeLimit: 1000
timeLimit: 10
attributeSizeLimit: 1000
readOnly: false
disable-start-tls: false
- name: localdev
- urls:
- idm://localhost:4632
category: master
- name: azure
- urls:
- idm://
category: master
- name: azure
type: simple
name: cn=admin
unprotected: mypassword123
- name: localdev
dsa: localdev
preferences: main
- name: azure
dsa: azure
preferences: main

The rationale for using a kubectl configuration-like format is that:

  1. It made sense to copy some existing popular technology for the sake of the user's familiarity and ease of use.
  2. There may have been a lot of trial-and-error and thought put into the kubectl configuration file format by Google when it designed the format. It was my assumption that this file format was well thought-out (and it does seem to work pretty well for Kubernetes usage), so it made sense to copy it so Meerkat DSA could benefit from Google's refinement.

In a kubectl configuration file, you define the clusters you know of, all credentials you have for any of them, and then you define contexts which are combinations of said credentials and clusters. The X.500 configuration file works the same way, but with different objects: an X.500 configuration context is a combination of a directory system agent (DSA), an optional credential, and an optional preferences profile. Contexts are identified by a case-sensitive name.

A DSA can be "composed" of multiple access points, which may be masters or shadows. Each access point is associated with at least one URL; the ordering of these URLs is important and the client MUST attempt to reach each of these URLs in the order that they are given. A DSA is identified by a case-sensitive name.

A preferences profile is a profile of... preferences. Rather than being universal across all contexts, profile preferences allow you to have apply different preferences to different contexts. A preference profile is identified by a case-sensitive name.


Here is a breakdown of what each field means.

FieldUsage / Meaning
apiVersionThe version of this configuration file format, always proceeded by v.
kindAlways X500ClientConfig.
metadataAn object containing metadata about the configuration file.
current-contextThe case-sensitive name of the currently-selected context.
preference-profilesAn array of preference profiles. Ordering is not significant.
dsasAn array of known Directory System Agents (DSAs). Ordering is not significant.
credentialsAn array of credentials. Ordering is not significant.
contextsAn array of configuration contexts. Ordering is not significant.
dsas.*.nameA case-sensitive name for a DSA only used within this configuration file.
dsas.*.aeTitleA conditionally case-sensitive distinguished name of the AE title of this DSA.
dsas.*.accessPointsAn array of access points by which the DSA can be reached, in order of descending preference.
dsas.*.accessPoints.*.urlsAn array of URLs for accessing a given access point, listed in order of descending preference.
dsas.*.accessPoints.*.categorymaster, shadow, or writeableCopy depending on what the DSA is.
dsas.*.tlsCertChainFile path to the PEM-encoded TLS cert chain to use for TLS client authentication
dsas.*.tlsKeyFile path to the PEM-encoded TLS key to use for TLS client authentication
dsas.*.caFile path to the PEM-encoded certificate authorities to use for TLS
dsas.*.crlFile path to the PEM-encoded certificate revocation lists to use for TLS
credentials.*.nameA case-sensitive name for a credential.
credentials.*.credentialThe actual credential itself, which may take on multiple different forms.
credentials.*.credential.typeThe type discriminator for a credential. Usually simple, strong, or sasl.
contexts.*.nameThe case-sensitive name of the context only used within this configuration file.
contexts.*.contextThe context itself.
contexts.*.context.dsaThe name of the DSA for this context.
contexts.*.context.credentialThe name of the credential for this context.
contexts.*.context.preferencesThe name of the preferences profile for this context.


Each preferences profile is a somewhat free-form object, except for the following preferences. This list is subject to change. More preferences may be added in future versions of this configuration.

logLevelThe logging level of the client, which can be debug, info, warn, error, or silent.
sizeLimitA positive integer; the default sizeLimit supplied in search or list operations.
timeLimitA positive integer; the default timeLimit supplied in directory operations.
attributeSizeLimitA positive integer; the default attributeSizeLimit supplied in directory operations.
readOnlyA boolean indicating whether no write operations should be permitted.
disable-start-tlsA boolean indicating whether the client should refrain from upgrading the connection security via StartTLS.
callingAETitleThe distinguished name of the calling application entity (AE) title, as used by IDM and ISO transports.

Note that some preferences may be overridden by command-line arguments or other options specified in a user interface. For instance, if the command explicitly calls for a high size limit than is present in the preferences profile, this size limit should prevail. In many cases, a preference setting exists only to define a sensible default.


The type of credentials used is determined by the type field of each credential. Other than this field, the contents of a particular credential will vary depending on the type of credential.

Simple Credentials

When defining a credential of type simple, the defined fields are name and password.

name is the distinguished name of the object to which the client shall bind.

password can take on two forms, each of which is an object, and the keys of this object are used to determine the form. If the key unprotected is used, the password is stored in an unprotected form as a string as its value. If the keys algorithmIdentifier and hashValue are used, then the password is stored in a hashed form. algorithmIdentifier is an object with a single field: algorithm, which an array of positive integers of the object identifier of the hash algorithm used. hashValue is the hexadecimal-encoded hash of the password produced by the algorithm specified in algorithmIdentifier.algorithm.

Strong Credentials

When defining a credential of type simple, the defined fields are name, keyPath, certPath, and attrCertPath.

name is the distinguished name of the object to which the client shall bind.

The other keys are all paths on the local file system.

keyPath is a path on the local filesystem to a PEM-encoded PKCS #8 formatted private key. Clients SHOULD also tolerate a binary PKCS #8 file, but this is not required.

certPath is a path on the local filesystem to a concatenation of PEM-encoded X.509 public key certificates in order of increasing proximity to the trusted root.

attrCertPath is a path on the local filesystem to a concatenation of PEM-encoded X.509 attribute certificates in order of increasing proximity to the trusted root.

SASL Credentials

Credentials of type sasl currently have an undefined syntax.

Creating and Editing

X.500 clients may update the current-context field of this file. Since there may be multiple X.500 clients installed and used (even concurrently) on a system, there shall be no requirement for clients to use this field to determine which context they should use; client's MAY store the name of their currently-selected context elsewhere.

Consumers of this configuration file MUST NOT expect comments and other markup to be preserved. Programs MAY edit this file in a manner that creates, alters, or deletes comments, markup, and whitespace.


When performing a non-modification operation, clients MAY attempt these operations on shadow or writeable copy access points from the list of access points for a DSA, ignoring master access points entirely on a first pass, but clients SHOULD still prefer access points that appear prior in the array to those that appear later.

Any other concern notwithstanding, clients SHOULD attempt to prevent transmission of security-sensitive operations, such as changePassword, over unencrypted transports, or to at least remind users that an insecure transport is in use.