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X.500 Directory Libraries

The following are libraries / software modules / SDKs that are designed to interface with the X.500 directory using directory-oriented protocols other than LDAP.

Library NameLanguageStatusLink
x500-clientRustWIP (will change)

After the Rust client is completed, libraries for the following languages will be prioritized and officially supported:

  • Python
  • C (great for FFI / integration with other languages)
  • Zig
  • Dart (great for mobile development via Flutter)
  • Kotlin (great for mobile development on Android)

The following languages will never be officially supported, unless somebody else does the bulk of the work up front, then gives me the reins:

  • C#
  • Java
  • C++
  • Ruby
  • D
  • Nim
  • Odin
  • Objective C
  • Any Lisp Dialect

For most of the above, you will be able to use FFI to call functions defined in the C library.