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Meerkat DSA supports simple authentication (meaning authentication with a password) and strong authentication (meaning authentication with digital signatures) in DAP, DSP, and DOP. LDAP only supports simple authentication.

Anonymous Authentication

Users of Meerkat DSA may bind anonymously by supplying no password. If this is used, authentication will always succeed, even if the bound distinguished name does not correspond to any real entry present and even if the entry does exist and has a password. This behavior is to avoid information disclosure.


If Meerkat DSA did not do this, it would be possible for a nefarious actor to enumerate the entries in a DSA, despite access controls, by guessing distinguished names in the bind operation and seeing which attempts come back with errors saying "entry does not exist" and which come back with "invalid password." This is the same reason that websites with logins must give you the same error message, regardless of whether you got the username or password wrong.

When users are bound anonymously, they may perform operations against Meerkat DSA. It is the responsibility of administrators to configure access controls to prevent anonymous users from doing things they should not be able to do.

Currently, anonymous usage can only be prevented by access control, but a future feature will enable administrators to reject all anonymous traffic.

How Meerkat DSA Handles Passwords

In the X.500 specifications, there is no specified attribute that is expected to serve as the authoritative source of the password for an entry. Each DSA may choose to use a different attribute type to store password information; in fact, passwords might not even be stored in entries at all! This is why the administerPassword and changePassword operations were introduced to the Directory Access Protocol (DAP).

In Meerkat DSA, both the userPassword attribute (specified in ITU Recommendation X.509) and the userPwd attribute (specified in ITU Recommendation X.520) are used. However, regardless of any access controls, whenever these values are read, they return empty strings. This is because passwords are extremely sensitive, and let's face it: people re-use passwords between services. To prevent administrators from misconfiguring Meerkat DSA and leaking all of their users' passwords, the passwords are simply never returned, even if queried directly, and even if access controls permit it. An empty string is returned as the value so that directory users can at least know if an entry has a password. In other words, passwords are write-only in Meerkat DSA. This also applies to the encrypted variants of passwords: they are never returned so that they can never be used for offline password cracking.

The password is stored in the database. If password is supplied using cleartext, it will be salted and hashed using the Scrypt algorithm and stored in the database. If the password is already encrypted / hashed, it will be stored using the algorithm that was used to encrypt it.

Simple Protected Passwords

Simple authentication allows users to supply a protected password. Unlike the unprotected and userPwd variants of the simple credentials password, this variation can be protected against replay attacks, and it provides a form of eavesdropping-mitigating encryption, even when TLS is not used to secure the connection.

There is no specified algorithm for producing a protected password, although ITU Recommendation X.511 (2019), Annex E, provides a suggested algorith. Meerkat DSA deviates from this algorithm slightly for security reasons. The entirety of the procedures used by Meerkat DSA are documented here.

In short, to produce a protected password, a client must produce a DER-encoded value of an ASN.1 value having the following type:

Meerkats-Actual-Hashable1 ::= SEQUENCE {
name DistinguishedName,
time1 GeneralizedTime,
password encrypted < UserPwd -- This is an ASN.1 "selection type." -- }

In the above type, name is the distinguished name to which the user is attempting to bind, time1 is a time a few seconds into the future, random1 is a sequence of randomly-generated bits of any length (preferrably at least 64 bits), and password is the UserPwd construction of the user's password, which must use the encrypted alternative, and


It is strongly advised to use protected passwords whenever simple authentication is used, since they are immune to replay attacks.

How to Set or Change Passwords

You may set or modify a password for an entry in four ways:

  • At creation time, by including password attributes in the addEntry operation.
  • By modifying the entry via the modifyEntry operation.
    • If this is performed within a password administrative area, this requires the pwdModifyEntryAllowed operational attribute for the applicable subentry to have a value of TRUE.
  • By modifying the entry via the changePassword operation
    • If this is performed within a password administrative area, this requires the pwdChangeAllowed operational attribute for the applicable subentry to have a value of TRUE.
  • By modifying the entry via the administerPassword operation
    • In addition to requiring permission to add / modify / delete the userPwd and userPassword values, as is the case for the other three, this option also requires the same permissions for the userPwdHistory attribute.
    • Note that, when this operation is used, the user will have to reset his or her password upon logging in again.

It is recommended to use the administerPassword and/or changePassword operations to modify an entry's password, rather than the modifyEntry or addEntry operations.

Password Policy

Meerkat DSA allows you to configure password policy exactly as described in ITU Recommendations X.501 and X.520.

Password Dictionaries

You can configure password vocabulary by adding entries to the passwordDictionaryItem table in the database (usually MySQL), along with a "bit number" indicating the category in which the vocabulary item appears, according to the syntax of the pwdVocabulary operational attribute, which is:

PwdVocabulary ::= BIT STRING {
noDictionaryWords (0),
noPersonNames (1),
noGeographicalNames (2) }

This means that, if you set the bit to 2, the row that you create will be considered a "geographical name." Password dictionary items inserted into the database MUST be upper-cased, or they will have no effect.

There is no way to configure password dictionaries via DAP, currently. The pwdDictionaries is purely informative and is not used by the directory in any way.


It is recommended that you DO NOT use this operational attribute, as it goes against modern guidance on password-based authentication. Namely, it is actually recommended to construct passwords from four or more dictionary words, as such passwords are more memorable, yet provide much more entropy than the prior guidance of the "8 characters minimum, at least one digit, at least one symbol, etc." password.

Password Lockouts

Meerkat DSA fully supports password lockouts, as described in ITU Recommendation X.511 (2019). This means that administrators can configure their directories to "lock out" users after so many failed authentication attempts.

To enable password lockouts, just set the pwdMaxFailures operational attribute on the applicable password administration subentries. You can make the lockout temporary using the pwdLockoutDuration operational attribute, if desired.


Enabling password lockouts might not be a good idea. This feature can allow nefarious users to purposefully guess wrong passwords for other users to lock them out of their accounts. It may be a good idea to refrain from enabling this unless you are having problems with brute-force attacks, and even then, the pwdLockoutDuration should be set to a low value to ensure that accounts are automatically unlocked after a short period of time.

Strong Authentication

Meerkat DSA supports strong authentication. If a certification path is supplied, this is used to verify the signature and trustworthiness of the bind token provided in strong authentication.

If a certification path is not supplied in the bind argument, but a name is supplied (via the name parameter), and if the environment variable MEERKAT_LOOKUP_UNCERT_STRONG_AUTH is set to 1 (enabled), Meerkat DSA searches internally for a user by the asserted distinguished name; if this user is found, and it is of object class pkiCertPath, and it has an attribute of type pkiPath, each value of its pkiPath attribute is tried until a certification path is found that verifies the bind token. If no such vindicating certification path is found, Meerkat DSA rejects the authentication attempt. It is strongly preferred for clients to supply a certification path in the bind argument so that this lookup need not happen.


Enabling the above feature is risky, since it can open your DSA up to denial-of-service attacks. See more here.

The certification path is verified with the trust anchors configured in MEERKAT_SIGNING_CA_FILE. If this environment variable is not configured, the bundle of certificates that are built in to the NodeJS runtime are used by default.

If MEERKAT_SIGNING_DISABLE_VERIFICATION is enabled (meaning that all signature verification is disabled in Meerkat DSA), strong authentication will always fail.

SPKM Authentication

Meerkat DSA supports SPKM Authentication, but does not use it when binding to other DSAs. It is almost identical in functionality and security to strong authentication, except that it is based on existing standards exterior to the X.500 specifications. If you need high-security authentication, prefer the strong mechanism over spkm.

External Authentication

Meerkat DSA supports the externalProcedure authentication mechanism described in ITU Recommendation X.511 (2019). This mechanism is an intentionally open-ended and extensible mechanism for authentication. The parameter for an externalProcedure authentication is an ASN.1 EXTERNAL.

Meerkat DSA only uses an EXTERNAL value that uses the syntax alternative of the identification field. When encoded according to the encoding rules detailed in ITU Recommendation X.690, such as the Basic Encoding Rules, this field is referred to as the direct-reference field. If the indirect-reference field is supplied, or the direct-reference field is not supplied in the encoded EXTERNAL value, Meerkat DSA will respond with an "authentication mechanism unsupported" error.

The syntax field of the EXTERNAL (or direct-reference according to the X.690 parlance) is used to transmit an object identifier that identifies the external authentication mechanism. Meerkat DSA looks up the external authentication procedure associated with that object identifier and calls a function to execute that authentication mechanism. If the mechanism is unrecognized or unsupported, Meerkat DSA will return an "authentication mechanism unsupported" error.


There are two reasons that the presentation-context-id is not recognized by Meerkat DSA for the external authentication procedure parameter:

  1. It would be really complicated from a code standpoint to "look up" the presentation contexts from the underlying protocol stack, especially when that has been intentionally abstracted away from the Remote Operation Service Element (ROSE).
  2. Presentation contexts presented by the presentation layers are likely not going to be used for the external authentication procedure because their abstract syntaxes usually describe an application-layer protocol, not an external procedure.

If you don't understand what this means, don't worry about it.

TLS Client Certificate Authentication

Meerkat DSA comes with one externalProcedure authentication mechanism built-in: TLS client certificate authentication. It's parameter can be described using the following ASN.1 syntax:

id-tlsClientCertAuth OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 1 3 6 1 4 1 56490 5 401 1 }
tlsClientCertAuth ABSTRACT-SYNTAX ::= { NULL IDENTIFIED BY id-tlsClientCertAuth }

In other words, if you send a bind request using an externalProcedure credential having the syntax of and a data-value of NULL (although this part is not validated or checked at all), Meerkat DSA will use TLS Client Certificate Authentication.

This means that Meerkat DSA will determine the user's distinguished name from the subject field of the client certificate asserted via TLS, and consider the user strongly-authenticated, assuming that the asserted certificate chain is valid.

Note that, for this to be enabled, the client MUST connect over TLS, and Meerkat DSA MUST be configured to request a client certificate by either:

  1. Setting MEERKAT_TLS_REQUEST_CERT to 1, or

(Of course, the client, must also actually send the client certificate. That is implied.)

Custom External Authentication Procedures

You can add your own external authentication procedures in the init script. An external authentication procedure function has a signature like so:

type ExternalAuthFunction = (
ctx: Context, // The context object
socket: Socket | TLSSocket, // The TCP or TLS socket underlying the association with the client.
ext: EXTERNAL, // The EXTERNAL that is the parameter of the `externalProcedure` credential.
// Set to DirectoryBindError for DAP, and DSABindError otherwise.
BindErrorClass: (typeof DirectoryBindError) | (typeof DSABindError),
) => Promise<BindReturn>;

// This is what is returned from such a function.
interface BindReturn {
* The bound vertex, which will only be set if this DSA has the bound DSE
* locally.
* Defined in @wildboar/meerkat-types.
boundVertex?: Vertex;

* The bound distinguished name and optional unique identifier. The
* distinguished name will be set even if the user provided no credentials
* to prove that they were that entry. The unique identifier will be set if
* a local DSE having the bound distinguished name can be found and it has
* at least one `uniqueIdentifier` attribute value. The first
* `uniqueIdentifier` attribute value will be used to populate this field,
* even though there may potentially be multiple such values.
* Defined in @wildboar/x500/src/lib/modules/SelectedAttributeTypes/NameAndOptionalUID.ta
boundNameAndUID?: NameAndOptionalUID;

* The level of credibility with which the user claimed to be the bound
* entry. Whether the user bound anonymously, with a password, or with a
* asymmetric cryptography will be represented here.
* Defined in @wildboar/x500/src/lib/modules/BasicAccessControl/AuthenticationLevel.ta
authLevel: AuthenticationLevel;

* Information about a user password to return in the bind response or
* error.
* Defined in @wildboar/x500/src/lib/modules/DirectoryAbstractService/PwdResponseValue.ta
pwdResponse?: PwdResponseValue;

* The clearances associated with this user.
* Defined in @wildboar/x500/src/lib/modules/EnhancedSecurity/Clearance.ta
clearances: Clearance[];

* The credentials for the DSA to return to the client to provide mutual
* authentication.
* Defined in @wildboar/x500/src/lib/modules/DistributedOperations/DSACredentials.ta
reverseCredentials?: DSACredentials;


If you would like an example implementation, see this function, which is the implementation of the TLS Client Certificate Authentication mechanism described above.

Once you have your function defined, add it to Meerkat DSA's internal index of externalProcedure mechanisms in the init script like so:


async function init(ctx) {
// Here, we associate the mechanism ID with the function that does the verification.
ctx.externalProcedureAuthFunctions.set(YOUR_MECHANISM_OID_REPLACE_ME, your_function);

// This is just logging, just to show you that you can do this. :)"Added my own custom external authentication mechanism");

export default init;

Architectural Details

You might notice that it can take a few seconds to authenticate to Meerkat DSA. This is no accident.

Authentication is protected against timing attacks by response time randomization and constant-time string comparison. (These two methods may seem to contradict each other, and you'd be right to point that out; however, both are used so that, if one does not work, the other will.) By default, Meerkat DSA always waits one second, but potentially up to two seconds, before responding with an authentication result. Response time randomization can be configured by administrators via the MEERKAT_BIND_MIN_SLEEP_MS and MEERKAT_BIND_SLEEP_RANGE_MS environment variables.

Notably, Meerkat DSA does not sleep for a random amount of time, perform the credential evaluation, then return a result; it performs a credential evaluation then waits the remaining amount of time such that the randomly-selected sleep time has passed. If the former methodology were used, nefarious actors could still perform a timing attack by attempting authentication many times to see which attempts take the longest response time on average.