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Meerkat DSA supports all features of shadowing as described in ITU Recommendation X.525 (2019), as well as the establishment of shadowing through the use of the Directory Operational Binding Management Protocol (DOP). The Directory Information Shadowing Protocol (DISP) is fully supported, and can use IDM, ITOT, IDM-over-TLS, and ITOT-over-TLS as transports (like the other directory protocols). Meerkat DSA is capable of acting as a shadow supplier and consumer at the first-level and otherwise.

Shadow Update Size Limits

There are no size limits on shadow updates imposed by Meerkat DSA, but shadowing has only been tested with 20,000 entries. It is believed that Meerkat DSA should work fine up to 100,000 entries and beyond.


Shadow operational bindings may be proposed like other operational bindings via the use of Relayed Operational Bindings. Shadow operational bindings proposed by third parties may be agreed to via the Web Administration Console.

Update Behavior

If Meerkat DSA is acting as a shadow supplier, upon first establishing a shadowing agreement, Meerkat DSA will provide a total refresh to its consumer. Likewise, when acting as a consumer, Meerkat DSA will request a total refresh for the first update. Thereafter, Meerkat DSA produces and requests only incremental updates, with a few exceptions:

  • After a shadowing agreement modification, a total refresh is performed.
  • Secondary shadows always receive total refreshes for every update.
  • If a previous total refresh did not succeed, another one will be performed.

Secondary Shadows

Meerkat DSA supports secondary shadows, however, secondary consumers will only receive total refreshes as stated above. This can be extremely expensive in terms of performance, and it should only be used for a small number of entries.


The rationale for this is that it is difficult to determine whether the shadow update from the master DSA overlaps with the the shadowed area of the secondary. If there is overlap, the attributes, values, and contexts received from the master may not be the same as those provided to the secondary. This problem gets very complicated. Future versions of Meerkat DSA will likely improve upon this.

Timing Requirements and Behavior

Shadowing updates can be configured to occur at regular intervals in the shadowing agreement, and they may be allowed to being at a configurable amount of time after the start of the interval (the "window"). Meerkat DSA will allow nearly any value (measured in number of seconds) for these intervals and windows, but aberrant behavior is likely to be observed if the frequency of shadow updates is less than one minute.


It is strongly recommended to use shadow update intervals of no less than one hour, and shadow window sizes of no less than 30 minutes. Replicating a large amount of data could take a very long time to insert into the database!

Directory operations must eventually time out to ensure that resources are freed up when correspondent DSAs become non-responsive. For the purposes of determining the timeouts used for the updateShadow operation, Meerkat DSA measures the time taken to prepare the shadow update locally, multiplies it by ten, and restricts this value between 30 seconds and the configured update interval. This means that, if it takes 1 second to locally prepare a shadow update, Meerkat DSA will give the remote DSA 30 seconds to respond to the updateShadow operation before timing out; if it takes 30 seconds to produce a shadow update, Meerkat DSA will grant the consumer 300 seconds to respond to the updateShadow operation, so long as the update interval is not smaller than this number.


It is possible to create shadows that result in an infinite loop using the onChange update mode. In other words, if an entry changes, a master DSA may update its shadow, and its shadow may have another shadow that it updates onChange. This secondary shadow may have the master DSA as its shadow consumer, which would cause an infinite loop of updates.

Meerkat DSA has no defenses against this scenario. Administrators should only accept operational bindings from trustworthy parties. It falls upon administrators to ensure the sanity of shadowing agreements before agreeing to them.

Update Spill-over

Long-running shadow updates will not be terminated. They will run to completion, and if they take so long that they spill over into another shadow update, Meerkat DSA will not detect this or abort the shadow update. It falls on administrators to ensure that shadow updates are not taking too long. In general, it is recommended to make shadow update intervals no shorter than one hour.

Role Reversal

Meerkat DSA does not support a shadow consumer becoming a shadow supplier through a modification of a shadow operational binding. The shadowing roles may never be reversed. The use of the DISP operations are policed for their origination by the appropriate party in a shadow operational binding.


Under the hood, the modification of shadowing agreements has almost the same effect of terminating a shadowing agreement and creating a new one. The only exception, as stated above, is that the roles may not be reversed. However, the update modes may be reversed, meaning that a supplier-initiated shadowing may become consumer-initiated and vice versa.


When shadow operational bindings are terminated, the shadow DSEs that remained are not discarded. It is up to the administrator of the DSA to manually remove these, if that is desired. Otherwise, they will continue to work as shadow DSEs, and never receive updates until an applicable shadowing agreement is resumed.

Information Planes and Alternative Relative Distinguished Names

The concepts of information "planes" and "alternative relative distinguished names" introduced seemingly out of nowhere in ITU Recommendation X.525 are not supported. Relative distinguished names must be unique for all DSEs within Meerkat DSA, even if they are shadows.

Overlapping Shadowed Areas

Meerkat DSA neither supports the use of overlapping shadowed areas, nor verifies that all current shadowing agreements do not overlap with each other. It is the responsibility of the administrator to ensure that shadowing agreements do not overlap.

By "overlapping shadowed areas," this means overlap of entries specified by the shadowing agreements subtree specification, even if the attributes or values replicated do not conflict.

Note that refinement of said subtree using the specificationFilter can produce shadowed areas that do not overlap; shadowed areas that are "interleaved" through the use of object class refinement--in other words, those shadowed areas that would overlap but for the use of the specificationFilter--should be free from conflict. For example, there should be no problem if one shadowing agreement replicates all entries of object class person and another replicates all entries of object class country for an otherwise identical subtree specification.


It is still strongly recommended to avoid using overlapping shadowed areas. The use of overlapping shadowed areas has not been tested at all. If overlapping shadowed areas are used at all, it would likely be less error-prone to replicate from different context prefixes or base entries at least.


The reason that overlapping shadowed areas are not supported is that it is unclear how to handle certain conflicting facts. For instance, if one DSA says that an SDSE has SDSEType nssr and another says it has type familyMember, what is to be done? There are too many combinations of SDSE types to validate all of them and ensure that the shadowed DSE is coherent. In addition to this, resolving which attributes and values are "complete" as a result of merging two shadow updates from differing origins could be very error-prone.

On top of this, I believe overlapping shadowed areas is a strange edge case that is not worthy of much support: there is supposed to be only one master DSA for any given entry, so it would be strange for there to be multiple shadowing agreements for the same area. If you really need this functionality, let me know!


Shadowing will be much faster if context selections are not used and if either all contexts or no contexts are supplied. Otherwise, little can be done to speed up shadowing specifically.

Network Disruption

Meerkat DSA's shadowing is resilient to network failure. When acting as a shadow supplier, Meerkat DSA does not discard its queue of pending incremental shadow updates until it receives a response to the updateShadow operation from a consumer. If no update has ever succeeded, a Meerkat DSA supplier will provide a total refresh. In either case, refreshes are idempotent, meaning that duplicate entries, attributes, values, etc. should just be ignored. If you experience a deviation on this front, it is a bug.


This does not mean that Meerkat DSA is resilient to storage / database failures. Depending on the configuration of your operating system or database, writes may not really be persisted. Meerkat DSA responds to the updateShadow operation when the database claims that it has saved the data. What constitutes "persistence" is a much greater philosophical topic; to learn more, search for the terms "Write-Through" or "Write-Back."

Usage of Shadowed Entries

The X.500 specifications are somewhat vague as to how to validate whether the locally shadowed information can satisfy a request, and therefore, whether a shadow DSA should respond to the request, or chain it to the master DSA, particularly as it relates to the search operation.


Meerkat DSA's rules for determining whether a request can be satisfied locally can and will change throughout time, and in addition to this, the code embodying these rules is very complex and likely to be buggy. What follows should be considered to be generally true.

As heuristics for determining whether a Meerkat DSA shadow consumer will consider its shadowed data "suitable" for fulfilling the request, the following general principles apply:

  • All modification operations always get chained to the master DSA.
  • For shadowed information to be suitable, the target entry / entries must be present.
    • This is obvious for single-entry interrogation procedures, such as read and compare.
    • For list, all immediate subordinates must be replicated, but they do not have to have any specific attributes or values.
    • For search requests, only the base entry must be present if baseObjectsearch is used.
      • Theoretically, a search could return the subtree of family members from a baseObject search. This implementation will assume that compound entries are always replicated as a unit.
    • All immediate subordinates under the base entry must be replicated if oneLevel search is used.
    • If wholeSubtree search is used, all shadowing agreements that apply to the searched area must use empty shadow subtrees (a SubtreeSpecification that specifies no base, minimum, maximum, specificExclusions, or specificationFilter of any kind). This is the only way to ensure that the shadowed area would contain all the same entries that the master DSA(s) would.
  • In addition to this, the filtering and selection of attributes is considered:
    • As stated in the specifications, operational attributes never factor into deciding whether or not an entry is suitable, because they are always considered incomplete within shadowed DSEs. If you want authoritative, up-to-date operational attributes, query the master DSA.
    • For single-entry interrogation operations (e.g. read and compare), the entry will always be suitable if all attributes are replicated, as indicated by the shadow DSE's attributesComplete flag.
    • For search, the shadowing agreement is consulted to ensure that all filtered and selected attributes are replicated and complete.
    • Given the targeted nature of compare, the compare operation is extremely picky with respect to considering an entry suitable. If noSubtypeMatch is not provided as a service control and the entry is incomplete, the shadow DSE will not be suitable, because it cannot be known whether some unknown subtype of the asserted attribute type has been replicated.
      • For similar reasons, the target entry will be unsuitable unless the dontMatchFriends service control is used or all friend attributes are replicated as well.
  • Determining entry suitability based on contexts is somewhat shaky. The code for determining if there is sufficient overlap between replicated contexts and asserted or requested contexts gets extremely complicated. As such, it is strongly recommended to always replicate all contexts in Meerkat DSA.
  • In general, the more narrow the focus of an operation, the more picky Meerkat DSA's implementation of the Check Suitability procedure will be for determining whether the shadowed data is suitable. A compare operation will be extremely strict, whereas a search operation will be much more inclined to using shadowed data.

You can check the performer field of the responses to see whether the shadow DSA or the master DSA responded. This will tell you whether or not the target entry was determined to be "suitable" with respect to the request.